Token Economics
PFX token BEP20 Standard / POLFEX NFT use the ERC721 Standard
Token Information
Token name: POLFEX
Symbol: PFX
Decimals: 9
Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Total Suply: 50,000,000
Smart Contract Address: 0x02d35B6698964d104E55bb21bEb157117F64B896
Every transaction under POLFEX (PFX) Smart Contract will be deducted some tax in buy and sell.
Marketing | 1% | 2% |
Liquidity Pool | 1% | 2% |
Holdesr Rewards | 1% | 2% |
TOTAL | 3% | 6% |
Distribution | Supply Percentage | Total PFX Token |
Token sale | 28% | 14,000,000 |
Liquidity | 10% | 5,000,000 |
Promotional | 2% | 1,000,000 |
Treasury - Development | 10% | 5,000,000 |
Staking | 15% | 7,500,000 |
Founders | 15% | 7,500,000 |
Operations - Marketing | 20% | 10,000,000 |
Max Total Supply | 100% | 50,000,000 |
PFX will launch with decentralized token economics To maintain an ecosystem of fairness and scale, POLFEX has designed a distribution in its token economics.
Token Sale / Vesting
The project will launch with a product under development. Our first token sale to the public will be offered to family, friends, members, and colleagues in the industry who we believe will provide a great starting platform for the community. The token sale to the public has been divided into 2 sales. The project felt this was fair to investors as not all the money is required upfront, so we want to spread out the time the money is raised. Of course, to reward people who are willing to lock up their capital for longer, we find it necessary to tie in pricing.
Token Vesting
Launch 25%
3 months after launch 25%
6 months after launch 25%
9 months after launch 25%
Liquidity Management (5,000,000 PFX)
Liquidity tokens will be used to provide liquidity at numerous exchanges.
The tokens will be held by the project and released as and when they are required by exchanges and listings.
To draw up the emissions graph below, it has been assumed that liquidity tokens shall have an initial vesting amount and be vested over the period represented by the graph. However, this is for illustration purposes only and we advise the community that liquidity management is subject to review for the best interests of the project.
Promotion Tokens (1,000,000 PFX)
These are tokens that have been used to reward presale buyers and those who have introduced others to the project during presale rounds. In addition, part of these tokens will be used during the first year of the project with Twitter, community, and Discord competitions.
All promotional tokens won will be awarded under the relevant competition terms.
Treasury - Development. (5,000,000 PFX)
The market is not favorable for the incorporation of strategic partnerships and therefore, in the best interest of the project, the team may seek to incorporate strategic investors at a later date when market conditions are more favorable. These agreements will include award terms. To construct the issuance graph below, it has been assumed that treasury tokens will begin to be issued 6 months after launch and will be issued during the period represented by the graph. However, this is for illustrative purposes only and we inform the community that the team will review strategic partnerships as they arise and assign them in the best interest of the project.
Founders Tokens (7,500,000)
Founders tokens will be awarded quarterly for 3-12 months for 2 years after launch. The acquisition in terms of the total supply of tokens will therefore be a maximum of 12.5% quarterly.
Operations - Marketing (10,000,000 PFX)
During the crypto market cycle, there are likely to be different requirements from tokens and assets applied differently. Operations tokens will be used for marketing, development, general operations, and other requirements that the team deems necessary for the benefit of the project. Tokens will be used in a manner best suited to drive development and the project forward.
Operations tokens will be vested over 3 years monthly 3.47% of the total token supply per month.
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